Wizdom Mriminthere - A Miracle

Wizdom first got into music at the young age of six, with his mother introducing him to groups like Salt N Pepa, Slick Rick; the passion was present from the onset but was fully ignite after she purchased him a Numark DJ start-up kit from the classified section of The Source Magazine. “I skipped school to try and learn how to mix,” he says. “But, as soon as I figured out how to record my voice over instrumentals, I knew that was what I wanted to do for the rest of my life.”
To date, he’s released two full-length albums, Radical Minds and Advisory, and six singles. Though, he notes that his sophomore, Advisory was a project close to his heart. “It marks a milestone in my career creatively where I all the way stopped caring about what anyone had to say and stop writing altogether ... I just go off of feeling now,” he says.
He ultimately explains that it is (to date) closest example of what he feels the distilled essence of his message to be: do what you want, while remembering that too much of a good thing can — and will — kill you.
Besides making money, which is a given within a capitalistic western society, he says his ultimate career goal is to fundamentally affect the audience with his message of mental freedom. “I want people to just stop caring about the everyday drama and bullshit that [we’re] brainwashed to believe is important by society and media, he says. “I want to teach them how to truly live life and be individuals, even if that individual is what’s considered weird by the so-called ‘regular public.’”
Whether on wax or on the stage — he’s toured with E-ness (MTV’s Making The Band), Wu-Tang Affiliate Buddha Monk, and opened up for legends like Chubb Rock, Black Sheep and Kangol of UTFO (among many others) — he’s proven himself a rising star with an ability to command his audience. “Everything's from the heart,” he notes. “The way Hip Hop is supposed to be.”
Next up for Wizdom, are a handful of singles leading up to a new project — with no set release date. His latest singles, “A Miracle” (released on January 3rd) is available for streaming now via all notable streaming services.
Social Links:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mriminthere/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/PRETTYDIRTBALL
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WizdomMriminthere/