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Slick Fashionz releases new album

Slick Fashionz releases new album art for Purple EP on social media.

    International Music Magazine reveals the cover of issue 11 dropping July 1st,  which features the rapper for an Exclusive IMM interview. 

    Purple  - The Purple Odyssey (2019) Vintage-looking salt city cover art along with some other details of a Purple City Gothem shadowing his forthcoming Purple EP, that will be released on the Syracuse based rappers birthday on July, 9th following some announcements scheduled to be posted to fans.

    WELCOME TO PURPLE CITY as a series of Instagram posts and videos continue to build for the much anticipated release. The captivating cover art designers and publisher created the purple atmosphere for what marks to the first of it's kind.

    #ep #purple #coverart #musicnews #syracuse #newyork #purplecitygothem #slickfashionz #featured #artist #imm #Internationalmusicmagazine #artwotk #releasedate #july #yearoffashion 
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